2017 results

Twenty-six finish Batsto 200K
By Joe Kratovil, RBA (2014–2018)
The Batsto 200k Season Opener took place as scheduled. The weather forecast which predicted a cool day with rain showers kept a few registrants from taking the start. The 26 riders who decided to clip in all made it to the finish and enjoyed a meal provided by our host, Lower Bank Tavern, where Bill's Veggie Burgers were reported to be a crowd favorite.
Despite the less than favorable weather some riders took to the flat route in high spirits and turned in some fast times. Jim Vreeland made it around in a very spiffy time of 7 hours 9 minutes, which is the fastest time on record* for the south jersey route. Two other riders were under the 8 hour mark and a total of 11 riders were under 9 hours.
Volunteers were on hand at all controls to provide water, energy bars and encouragement as needed. All things considered it was a fine day for a South Jersey Brevet.
By Joe Kratovil, RBA (2014–2018)
The Batsto 200k Season Opener took place as scheduled. The weather forecast which predicted a cool day with rain showers kept a few registrants from taking the start. The 26 riders who decided to clip in all made it to the finish and enjoyed a meal provided by our host, Lower Bank Tavern, where Bill's Veggie Burgers were reported to be a crowd favorite.
Despite the less than favorable weather some riders took to the flat route in high spirits and turned in some fast times. Jim Vreeland made it around in a very spiffy time of 7 hours 9 minutes, which is the fastest time on record* for the south jersey route. Two other riders were under the 8 hour mark and a total of 11 riders were under 9 hours.
Volunteers were on hand at all controls to provide water, energy bars and encouragement as needed. All things considered it was a fine day for a South Jersey Brevet.

Sixty-two riders finish the Cranbury 200K
By Joe Kratovil, RBA (2014–2018)
In what is becoming a tradition for this spring brevet heavy rains combined with lightning moved in an hour before the start leaving behind a soggy wet Village Park. The violent storm kept a few from making their way to the start, but the large portion of registrants would take to the roads on time.
It was a warm morning which would quickly progress to the hottest day of the year. This presented quite a challenge to many of the riders. Volunteers were on hand at every stop providing water and much needed moral support. Unfavorable winds would add to the difficulty factor on the second half of the route. None the less a new course record was set by Jim Vreeland of Piscataway, NJ. Vreeland bested the former fastest time by one minute. There were a few other spiffy times, but most of the field just wanted to survive the day.
A steady stream of finishers arrived at the Italian Touch Restaurant beginning in the late afternoon through to the early evening. All finished in daylight and enjoyed Pizza and beverages. The mood was festive with many lingering and chatting with fellow riders. All but two that started found their way to the finish. Navigation issues and a mechanical failure where the cause of the DNF's.
By Joe Kratovil, RBA (2014–2018)
In what is becoming a tradition for this spring brevet heavy rains combined with lightning moved in an hour before the start leaving behind a soggy wet Village Park. The violent storm kept a few from making their way to the start, but the large portion of registrants would take to the roads on time.
It was a warm morning which would quickly progress to the hottest day of the year. This presented quite a challenge to many of the riders. Volunteers were on hand at every stop providing water and much needed moral support. Unfavorable winds would add to the difficulty factor on the second half of the route. None the less a new course record was set by Jim Vreeland of Piscataway, NJ. Vreeland bested the former fastest time by one minute. There were a few other spiffy times, but most of the field just wanted to survive the day.
A steady stream of finishers arrived at the Italian Touch Restaurant beginning in the late afternoon through to the early evening. All finished in daylight and enjoyed Pizza and beverages. The mood was festive with many lingering and chatting with fellow riders. All but two that started found their way to the finish. Navigation issues and a mechanical failure where the cause of the DNF's.

Fourteen complete the challenging Englewood 400K
By Joe Kratovil, RBA (2014–2018)
A cool rainy morning caused some suffering for the 17 riders who chose to take the start. Twenty-two percent of those signed up decided to take a pass and stay home. The first of the starters to bail out would do so after only an hour. The first intermediate control at West Milford would see another rider pack it in. A third would call it a day at Port Jervis with a knee injury.
Weather improved by afternoon and the remaining field would have reasonable temperatures with light wind for the rest of the brevet. A small army of volunteers were on hand to attend to the needs of the 14 riders who were still pedaling. With the improved conditions no one else was destined to abandon.
In just over thirteen hours Ian Mangion would find his way to the finish just ahead of Jim Vreeland. Dougin Walker and Warren Finnerty would arrive together about one hour later. Riders would continue to make their way to the finish until almost 1am when one weary participant would arrive just prior to the cut-off. While the course presented a hearty challenge to all no one was disappointed. The route was high in scenic quality and most of the roads were rural and lightly traveled. Riders and event staff were in agreement that the brevet was successful.
By Joe Kratovil, RBA (2014–2018)
A cool rainy morning caused some suffering for the 17 riders who chose to take the start. Twenty-two percent of those signed up decided to take a pass and stay home. The first of the starters to bail out would do so after only an hour. The first intermediate control at West Milford would see another rider pack it in. A third would call it a day at Port Jervis with a knee injury.
Weather improved by afternoon and the remaining field would have reasonable temperatures with light wind for the rest of the brevet. A small army of volunteers were on hand to attend to the needs of the 14 riders who were still pedaling. With the improved conditions no one else was destined to abandon.
In just over thirteen hours Ian Mangion would find his way to the finish just ahead of Jim Vreeland. Dougin Walker and Warren Finnerty would arrive together about one hour later. Riders would continue to make their way to the finish until almost 1am when one weary participant would arrive just prior to the cut-off. While the course presented a hearty challenge to all no one was disappointed. The route was high in scenic quality and most of the roads were rural and lightly traveled. Riders and event staff were in agreement that the brevet was successful.

Thirty-six riders finish NJ Devil 300K
By Joe Kratovil, RBA (2014–2018)
All thirty six riders who registered for this first time event took the starting line and found there way back to the finish for a 100% success rate! No one could recall an occasion when this ever happened before on an NJR 300k. The weather was mostly favorable, with light winds, though some riders did get hit with passing showers.
Bill Russell, from Vinyard Haven, Mass, aboard a Velomobile was the first to reach the finish in 9 hours 18 minutes. Fredrick Akesson, from New York City, was the first rider on a traditional upright bike to arrive in a blistering fast 9 hours 50 minutes. New Jersey's own Jim Vreeland was the next rider in with a time of 10 hours 20 minutes.
The route was advertised as a fast 300k. As confirmation of this 10 riders would complete the course in under 12 hours. Although all riders were complimentary of the Rick Lentz designed route whether they experienced a fast finish or not.
All riders were treated to pizza and beer at the finish in Hammonton. Volunteers were present at all controls with water and moral support. The final riders would complete the route just after 10pm with smiles. Organizers and volunteers were smiling as well. All were pleased with the success of the event.
By Joe Kratovil, RBA (2014–2018)
All thirty six riders who registered for this first time event took the starting line and found there way back to the finish for a 100% success rate! No one could recall an occasion when this ever happened before on an NJR 300k. The weather was mostly favorable, with light winds, though some riders did get hit with passing showers.
Bill Russell, from Vinyard Haven, Mass, aboard a Velomobile was the first to reach the finish in 9 hours 18 minutes. Fredrick Akesson, from New York City, was the first rider on a traditional upright bike to arrive in a blistering fast 9 hours 50 minutes. New Jersey's own Jim Vreeland was the next rider in with a time of 10 hours 20 minutes.
The route was advertised as a fast 300k. As confirmation of this 10 riders would complete the course in under 12 hours. Although all riders were complimentary of the Rick Lentz designed route whether they experienced a fast finish or not.
All riders were treated to pizza and beer at the finish in Hammonton. Volunteers were present at all controls with water and moral support. The final riders would complete the route just after 10pm with smiles. Organizers and volunteers were smiling as well. All were pleased with the success of the event.

Twenty-six riders finish Wildwood 400K
By Joe Kratovil, RBA (2014–2018)
The new Wildwood 400k route was put to the test by 26 riders who took the start from East Windsor at 4am in cool overcast temperatures. After sunrise light rain showers moved about the area for several hours combined with cool temperatures and wind. Riders appeared well prepared and suffering was minimal.
By early afternoon the weather turnaround was dramatic with clearing skies, sunshine, and mild temperatures. This would hold throughout the day. The evening hours would bring a return of cool temperatures, but conditions were still manageable. Supported by many volunteers the field made good time. All would find their way to the finish for a 100% success rate. The first riders to arrive, Jim Vreeland and Dougin Walker, came in about 7:30pm and the last two just after 5am. Due to the flat route a few good size groups came in together with one numbering over 10 riders. All were treated to sub sandwiches and beverages in the hotel lobby. All appeared to be in good spirits.
By Joe Kratovil, RBA (2014–2018)
The new Wildwood 400k route was put to the test by 26 riders who took the start from East Windsor at 4am in cool overcast temperatures. After sunrise light rain showers moved about the area for several hours combined with cool temperatures and wind. Riders appeared well prepared and suffering was minimal.
By early afternoon the weather turnaround was dramatic with clearing skies, sunshine, and mild temperatures. This would hold throughout the day. The evening hours would bring a return of cool temperatures, but conditions were still manageable. Supported by many volunteers the field made good time. All would find their way to the finish for a 100% success rate. The first riders to arrive, Jim Vreeland and Dougin Walker, came in about 7:30pm and the last two just after 5am. Due to the flat route a few good size groups came in together with one numbering over 10 riders. All were treated to sub sandwiches and beverages in the hotel lobby. All appeared to be in good spirits.

Nineteen Finish Princeton 600K
By Joe Kratovil, RBA (2014–2018)
A field of twenty-five started out from the Clarion Hotel at 5:00am on Saturday morning. The riders took to the roads in a heavy downpour which persisted for the first two hours. By the first control in Bloomsbury, with all safely down from the treacherous Bloomsbury Road descent, the rain ceased and would not return for the remainder of the two day event.
With the temperature rising and the hills increasing five riders would not complete the challenging 217 mile first loop. Volunteers transported bikes and riders back to the hotel. A sixth DNF would occur when a rider who completed the initial loop opted not to set out on the second 155 mile loop. The remaining field all departed to take on the final miles riding out from the hotel over a time span of about two hours with the final departure at 5:13am.
The first to complete the event was Bill Russell, from Vineyard Haven, Mass. Aboard a fully fared recumbent he was the only rider to forego a hotel bed. Russell departed for the second loop within a half hour of completing the first one. His time of 26 hours 41 minutes was more than five hours faster than the second finisher, Randy Miller from Ramsey, New Jersey.
The remaining field worked their way to the finish with the final two riders arriving together after 7pm. All were treated to food and refreshments at the hotel. Riders were well supported on the event by an army of volunteers, which included several roving sag vehicles and mechanical support. Clearly this helped improve the finish percentage to 84% from last years 47%.
By Joe Kratovil, RBA (2014–2018)
A field of twenty-five started out from the Clarion Hotel at 5:00am on Saturday morning. The riders took to the roads in a heavy downpour which persisted for the first two hours. By the first control in Bloomsbury, with all safely down from the treacherous Bloomsbury Road descent, the rain ceased and would not return for the remainder of the two day event.
With the temperature rising and the hills increasing five riders would not complete the challenging 217 mile first loop. Volunteers transported bikes and riders back to the hotel. A sixth DNF would occur when a rider who completed the initial loop opted not to set out on the second 155 mile loop. The remaining field all departed to take on the final miles riding out from the hotel over a time span of about two hours with the final departure at 5:13am.
The first to complete the event was Bill Russell, from Vineyard Haven, Mass. Aboard a fully fared recumbent he was the only rider to forego a hotel bed. Russell departed for the second loop within a half hour of completing the first one. His time of 26 hours 41 minutes was more than five hours faster than the second finisher, Randy Miller from Ramsey, New Jersey.
The remaining field worked their way to the finish with the final two riders arriving together after 7pm. All were treated to food and refreshments at the hotel. Riders were well supported on the event by an army of volunteers, which included several roving sag vehicles and mechanical support. Clearly this helped improve the finish percentage to 84% from last years 47%.

Forty-three finish the Central Jersey 200K
By Joe Kratovil, RBA (2014–2018)
On a warm September morning forty-three riders departed from West Windsor kicking off the fifth edition of the Central Jersey 200k.
The day would continue to warm. By the time riders began to arrive Nixon's General Store in Tabernacle the bright sunshine had inched the mercury up well over 80 degrees. Most riders still managed to eat the provided sub sandwiches, with gusto, before continuing for the final 50+ miles.
At some point it became clear to organizers that the entire field was moving along quite quickly. The Columbus control was clear of all riders hours ahead of the closing time. With the leaders quickly bearing down on the finish volunteers scrambled to be in place on time. The course record of 7 hours flat, set in 2015 by Len Zawodniak (velomobile), was not bested. Though, Ed Bernasky, riding a traditional high racer recumbent would come close posting a time of 7hrs 10minutes.
What was remarkable about the day was the speed of the entire field. Fourteen riders finished under eight hours. Many more would manage times under nine hours. Most amazing was no one took longer than 10hrs 15minutes. A total lack of wind early in the day combined with helpful winds later on may have helped the situation. None the less, the 2017 edition of the Central Jersey 200k was the fastest ever.
By Joe Kratovil, RBA (2014–2018)
On a warm September morning forty-three riders departed from West Windsor kicking off the fifth edition of the Central Jersey 200k.
The day would continue to warm. By the time riders began to arrive Nixon's General Store in Tabernacle the bright sunshine had inched the mercury up well over 80 degrees. Most riders still managed to eat the provided sub sandwiches, with gusto, before continuing for the final 50+ miles.
At some point it became clear to organizers that the entire field was moving along quite quickly. The Columbus control was clear of all riders hours ahead of the closing time. With the leaders quickly bearing down on the finish volunteers scrambled to be in place on time. The course record of 7 hours flat, set in 2015 by Len Zawodniak (velomobile), was not bested. Though, Ed Bernasky, riding a traditional high racer recumbent would come close posting a time of 7hrs 10minutes.
What was remarkable about the day was the speed of the entire field. Fourteen riders finished under eight hours. Many more would manage times under nine hours. Most amazing was no one took longer than 10hrs 15minutes. A total lack of wind early in the day combined with helpful winds later on may have helped the situation. None the less, the 2017 edition of the Central Jersey 200k was the fastest ever.

Eleven finish Princeton 120K
By Joe Kratovil, RBA (2014–2018)
For the first time since 2014 New Jersey Randonneurs held a Populaire. One day after hosting a 200k from the same location The classic Princeton 120k route was scheduled to end the season in New Jersey. For a variety of reasons the start / finish was moved to nearby West Windsor from Forrestal Village in Plainsboro.
The story was one of attrition as there were 17 riders pre-registered. Four did not make it to the start reducing the field size to thirteen starters.
Early on three riders would decide not to continue the hilly route after going off course.
They informed ride volunteers they would ride back to the start on their own. One rider would opt to end the day at the Frenchtown Control due to a medical issue.
That left a total of eleven who would make it to the Flemington control to enjoy a catered lunch at Pete's Bike Shop. All riders departed there in good spirits facing an eleven mile stretch of continuous hills. All eleven would make it through that tough section. Though, two riders, fighting the clock, dropped out soon after in downtown Princeton when a mechanical issue delayed them beyond the closing time. They were only seven miles from the finish.
John D'Elia, of Middletown, Connecticut was the first to be checked in by volunteers at the Southfield Shopping Center in West Windsor. He managed to complete the hilly course in just under five hours. Four riders would come in together just 16 minutes later. With the final two arriving separately in good spirits. All seemed to enjoy the 75 mile route on a pleasant day. And, so would end the 2017 brevet season in New Jersey.
By Joe Kratovil, RBA (2014–2018)
For the first time since 2014 New Jersey Randonneurs held a Populaire. One day after hosting a 200k from the same location The classic Princeton 120k route was scheduled to end the season in New Jersey. For a variety of reasons the start / finish was moved to nearby West Windsor from Forrestal Village in Plainsboro.
The story was one of attrition as there were 17 riders pre-registered. Four did not make it to the start reducing the field size to thirteen starters.
Early on three riders would decide not to continue the hilly route after going off course.
They informed ride volunteers they would ride back to the start on their own. One rider would opt to end the day at the Frenchtown Control due to a medical issue.
That left a total of eleven who would make it to the Flemington control to enjoy a catered lunch at Pete's Bike Shop. All riders departed there in good spirits facing an eleven mile stretch of continuous hills. All eleven would make it through that tough section. Though, two riders, fighting the clock, dropped out soon after in downtown Princeton when a mechanical issue delayed them beyond the closing time. They were only seven miles from the finish.
John D'Elia, of Middletown, Connecticut was the first to be checked in by volunteers at the Southfield Shopping Center in West Windsor. He managed to complete the hilly course in just under five hours. Four riders would come in together just 16 minutes later. With the final two arriving separately in good spirits. All seemed to enjoy the 75 mile route on a pleasant day. And, so would end the 2017 brevet season in New Jersey.